Opinion - Part 2

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 7:6 1965 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

But this I say as my opinion, and not as an order of the Lord.

In today’s lesson we will continue to speak on the topic of “speaking your mind which we are using the single word “opinion”. In our previous lesson on expressing your “opinion” we elaborated on three traits to have present before “speaking your thoughts”. The first was being content to be quiet because speaking too much causes problems and trying to fix those problems once spoken only brings more conversation which causes more problems, so on and so forth. The second was being mindful not to talk back to or speak over those in authority and please give first place speaking to elders. We know this is pleasing in God’s Eyes and it is polite and bright to treat people right. Amen! Thirdly, we spoke about bringing God on the scene by speaking the Mind of Christ which is basically the “opinion of God” concerning all things upon the earth. This brings us to today’s topic of speaking your “personal opinion”. This has to be mentioned in the context of understanding that your “personal opinion” should be categorized as just that. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is many people will put God into their own “personal opinion” making it very difficult to disagree with them. We have some who typically say, “The Lord told me to do this or that” and when things don’t work out the way they expressed they say nothing about it, Why? Even the very notion that God didn’t say what they said He said is dismissed due to pride. There are those in the Body of Christ who just don’t like admitting that they missed what God was saying and they didn’t hear from God. For this reason, and many more, we should walk humbly before God and when conversing with man simply mention “what we think” as solely “our opinion”. The key is when you have an exact scripture you are quoting that can be verified by several other scriptures stating the same thing it is indeed God’s Word. Thus it is “God’s Opinion”. Yes, God’s thoughts are all about God’s Will and likewise God’s Will is the exact same thing as God’s word. The Apostle Paul in writing this epistle to the church at Corinth separates his thoughts apart from the established word of God found in the Holy Scriptures as God’s Orders. The Apostle Paul was used by God to write many of the New Testament epistles to the church, the Body of Christ. If this holy man of God was humble enough to openly say “my opinion” could differ from God’s how much more should we as students of God’s word be able to meekly say, “This is only my “opinion” about a certain matter”. Yes, as a believer in the Holy Bible with some knowledge of God’s will it is not fitting to speak your mind as always being the voice of God. Yes, when we (ihlcc) put it that way very few Christians would admit to coming across that way (over confident in their ability to correctly hear from God) but if you hear them in everyday conversation that is exactly how they sound. Yes, speaking your opinion should be done in the context of a student not a master, as a child not Thee Father. If you even find yourself in the role of teaching others as the Apostle Paul was doing in today’s lesson it is still righteous and wise to let the students know that you don’t know everything but God does. When you show yourself humble as a learning student of God that reads and studies God’s Word you help them understand God better because they will clearly see and understand that God does not only use scholars but everyday people just like you and me. God is not so much caught up on degrees and intellect as He is on having a humble and obedient heart that will listen and learn from Him. Yes, when we clearly and quickly separate our “opinions” from “God’s opinions” it helps keep us on the right track of knowing our own personal limitations. We can remember an incident where we didn’t have a scripture to say move to this location but we did have a witness of peace and a seemingly clear word from God to up root our family and move to another state. This change took us quite a while (two to three months) to swallow and if the truth be told Angela was able to digest the request much quicker than Eric. So upon acceptance of the assignment we need to share the decision with certain church elders, our parents, certain family members, certain friends and of course those in authority over us at work not because we had to but rather because we should. It is always right in God’s sight to speak to those who are involved in your life about major changes that affect your life because it will impact their life too. The conversations we had were a lot easier when we admitted that if we didn’t hear correctly we were coming back home for the benefit of all the family both ours and theirs. Oh of course some would say, “That sounds too much like unbelief or uncertainty”, which we would reply, maybe so but when you are telling elders who believe in God spiritually and practically it sounded very good in their ears. We must remember as Christians we are trained to bless others and not always desire to please ourselves, at least that is what love would do. Wouldn’t He? Here’s something we (ihlcc) wish all Christians would realize that telling people what you are planning without regard for the “Opinion” of those close to you is very disrespectful and quite odious. As a man and provider of the family is it ok to tell your wife’s parents that you are taking their daughter and their grandchildren to a new place without a job, such that you can’t guarantee how you will provide for them without any explanation? We think not, since your spouse is a shared resource between your newer family and her original family we must be willing to communicate openly and honesty about any issue they may present. Therefore, since we couldn’t predict the exact unfolding of our future we simply offered them our own “opinion” with the humbling reality that if we missed it we would return and come back to our family base for support and family fellowship and love. This was not unbelief but rather meeting people where they are at and all parties openly and gladly received our “opinion” of what God was attempting to do in our life and it all worked out fine because God did take care of us in the new state. We will not speak haughtily as if our words are gospel. No, we would rather speak more softly (humbly) knowing that whenever we do hear correctly the Lord most assuredly confirms His Word with signs following. So we have chosen to speak less while doing more and sharing “our precious opinion” when necessary only to ease someone else heart, not merely for our own cause. We hope that you will agree with God’s Word revealed today and “our opinion” that God’s Word is absolutely correct to only speak “your opinion” when necessary to address things not clearly stated in the Holy Bible. Thus, always keep a soft (humble) attitude that “your opinion” shall never have the same weight or authority or power that God’s Word has in Jesus Name because “your opinion” is indeed from you and for you so keep it in the context of you (personal) not for global acceptance or application, as the Word of God is. So to those who can receive your “personal opinion” so be it and those who do not accept it at all we (and specifically you) still love them too. Remember, in Christ Jesus it is not all about agreement of the “opinions” among men but rather the agreement and establishing of “God’s Holy Opinion” solidified in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!